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Sundown Apocalypse 

is a dystopian / post-apocalyptic series set in the city of Adelaide and the harsh deserts of outback Australia.


Read my interview with Andy Graham, he made me laugh with his introduction, you'll enjoy it too.

Leo Nix has worked in the justice system, mental health, education and in private psychology practice. He has been published in magazines and online over the past 25 years writing articles and books on psychology and associated subjects. He describes fiction writing as: 'the best therapy in the world'

The author, Broken Hill, outback Australia - a freezing cold winter morning in the desert. Dressed in his 'Sundown Apocalypse' jacket and shemagh to try and stay warm before breakfast.

Staring into the sunrise, Alice Springs. Although -3 Celsius earlier that morning things were warmer by midmorning - ready to head off for lunch.

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